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In which languages do you offer your services?At the moment we have therapists and counselors speaking English, German and Italian.
Are your services covered by my health insurance?It depends. If you have a public health insurance (like TK or AOK) then costs are not covered. If you have a private or international health insurance, it is possible that they can reimbourse the cost of counseling or therapy. If you want to know more, we wrote a blog post about this process!
How much does a session cost?There are several therapists listed in our website and each of them has a different fee. You can get in touch directly with one of them or you can write to us and we will make sure to connect you with the person who can best respond to your needs.
Do you see clients in person?Yes, all of us work both online and in person in Hamburg.
I feel like my life can be at risk. I think about suicide, can I book an urgent appointment?No, If you are thinking about suicide or if you are considering harming yourself or others or if you feel that any other person may be in any danger or if you have any medical emergency, you must immediately call the emergency service number 112. If you are based in Hamburg, and need urgent help, here are the resources: (Hamburg) (Hamburg) Telefonseelsorge (Germany) Kinder- und Jugendtelefon Nummer gegen Kummer (Mo-Fr 15:00-19:00) (Germany)
Do you offer counseling or therapy for children?Yes. Some of our mental health professionals have specific training in Child Psychotherapy.
Which services do you offer to psychologists?At the moment, we have a monthly supervision group. Our goal is to create a community of mental health professionals who work with international clients in Hamburg. If you are a therapist and would like to connect with us, feel free to reach out!
Do you only work with expats?No. We created this space thinking about how difficult finding a therapist can be for someone not familiar with how things work in Germany. However, it is possible to have sessions with us even if you don't see yourself as an expat. We also speak German!
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